Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Family Ties: Graduation celebration!

Smiling sibs, Ashley, Jess & Janson

1st Cousin photo...Marcus, where are you?

Women of Honor...

On May 19th we celebrated the graduations of my cousins Ashley from Penn and Jessica from high school.
Their mother, and my all-time favorite aunt, Rachel also received her PhD the day before! So after their immediate family trekked in from the west coast, we jaunted over to Great-Aunt Helen's for a celebration reunion. Our kids were overwhelmed by all the cousins and a great time was had by all. Thanks Aunt Rachel for always heeding God's nudging to get us together. You really are the family glue.
Newest family member, Anthony Charles Spagnoletti-Lewis with his parents Bernard & Robert.
Ned made a new friend in
one of my cousin's children.

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