Wednesday, April 2, 2008

We've officially entered the Teenage Zone... ENTER at your own risk!

On February 19th, Cheyenne entered the send-Mom-&-Dad-over-the-edge zone and officially became a teenager. The other symptoms....exasperated looks and Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde syndrome came much sooner! No, really, she hasn't been THAT bad!

She had been requesting a sushi run to the House of Kobe, so we decided to secretly ask a few of her friends to join us for dinner and a sleepover. I convinced Cheyenne that I needed to drive separately to pick up some items for a catering job and would meet them at the restaurant. Instead, I met 6 of her friends & their parents at Target. Since we arrived first, the girls hid in the bathroom to await her arrival. Unfortunately, when I sent her to the ladies room to "fetch" me a tissue, we didn't plan for the shrieking of excitement that followed. If you were there that night & were innocently trying to use the facilities and literally had it startled out of you by a bunch of loud and giggly girls. We apologize and truly hope you enjoyed your dinner...we had a blast!

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